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Tho' one's speech be a thousand words,
Vain words all strung together,
Better a single phrase
Which calms the one that hears.
Tho' a song have a thousand words,
Vain words all strung together,
Better a single verse
Which calms the one that hears.
Tho' one utter a hundred songs,
Vain words all strung together,
Better one verse of the Norm
Which brings peace to the hearer.
Tho' one conquer a thousand times
A thousand men in battle,
Who conquers self alone
Is the best of conquerors.
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Tis better to conquer self
Than all this multitude;
If one be self-subdued
And ever self-controlled,
Not the gods or demi-gods[1]
Nor the Lord of the world below[2]
Nor the God Supreme[3] have power
To undo his victory.
Tho' one for a hundred years
Month after month should pray
With a thousand offerings,
Yet if for a moment's space
He worship the feet of one
Whose self is self-subdued,
His worship is better far
Than his age-long offerings.
Tho' a hundred years in the woods
One tend the sacred fire,[4]
Yet if for a moment's space
He worship the feet of one
Whose self is self-subdued;
Such worship is better far
Than his age-long offerings
Not all the sacrifice
That is offered in all the world
For a year, with a view to gain,
Is worth a single quarter
Of the worship that is paid
To the upright holy man.
Whoso hath reverence
For those advanced in years,
Four blessings thrive for him,
Life, beauty, bliss and strength.
Tho' one live a hundred years,
Immoral, uncontrolled,
'Tis better to live for a day,
Moral and well controlled.
Tho' one live a hundred years
Foolish and uncontrolled,
'Tis better to live for a day
Wisely and well controlled.
Tho' one live a hundred years
Listless and lacking zeal,
'Tis better to live for a day
While striving manfully.
Tho' one live a hundred years
Blind to the rise and fall,[5]
'Tis better to live for a day
Seeing the rise and fall.
Tho' one live a hundred years
And see not the Deathless State,[6]
'Tis better to live for a day
And see the Deathless State.
Tho' one live a hundred years
And see not the Norm Supreme,
'Tis better to live for a day
And see the Norm Supreme.
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