He for whom life's journey's over, free from sorrow, free from pain
Who has all the knots unfastened, suffering knows not again.
Household life for them no joys hath; striving and intent in mind
As the swan deserts the marshes, every home they leave behind.
They who gather up no treasure, feeding on the food that's known,[1]
They who range in mind the Void, the unconditioned formless Space,
As the bird's path in the ether, so their ways are hard to trace.
They whose taints are all evanished, independent of support,
They who range in mind the Void, the unconditioned, formless Space,
As the bird's path in the ether, so their tracks are hard to trace.
He whose senses now are tranquil, like a horse by trainer tamed
(Pride struck off, the taints[2] evanished), to the very gods is famed.[3]
Like the solid ground unshaken, like the threshold of a door,
Like a pool by mud unsullied, such a saint is born no more.
Calm the mind of such a being, calm his thoughts and words and deeds,
Set free by the perfect knowledge, liberated from life's needs.
Self-dependent, self-sufficing, knower of the Uncreate[4]
Who hath loosed the bonds of action, from the chain of births set free,
All desires are fallen from him, noblest of all beings he.
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In the village or the forest, on the water or the ground,
Where the worthy ones are dwelling, there the earth's delights are found.
Ah! delightful are the forests! where the worldling finds no joy,
There the passionless find pleasure, whom the senses do not cloy.
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