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Haste to do good; thy thoughts from ill restrain;
Sloth in good deeds makes one for evil fain.
If thou do ill, cease, and thy sin forgo;
Take not delight therein; ill deeds bring woe.
If thou do good, thy life in good employ;
Take thou delight therein; good deeds bring joy.
Sinners see bliss while their ill deeds are green;
When the sin ripens, sorrow then is seen.
Good men see ill while their good deeds are green;
When the good ripens, happiness is seen.
Think not of ill: "It cannot be my fate";
As drop by drop the water fills the pot,
So slowly good men good accumulate.
Think not of good: "It cannot be my fate";
As drop by drop the water fills the pot,
So slowly bad men woes accumulate.
Just as the lord of some rich caravan,
Whose guard is scanty, fears the highwayman;
As one who loves his life must poison shun,
Be wise and guard 'gainst evil deeds begun.
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Thou mayest poison handle if thy palm
Contain no wound; whole skin no poison fears;
There is no ill for him that doth no harm.
Who on a harmless creature worketh pain,
In whom no fault, in whom no ill is found,
Upon that fool his evil deeds rebound
As fine dust cast i' the wind falls back again.
Some men by birth a life on earth attain;
The wicked go to hell, the good to heaven;
But holy saints are never born again.
Not in the air nor middle of the sea,
Nor entering a mountain cave to hide,
Nor anywhere on earth can'st thou abide
Where from thy ill deeds thou can'st set thee free.
Not in the air nor middle of the sea,
Nor entering a mountain cave to hide,
Nor anywhere on earth can'st thou abide
Where death shall not pursue and conquer thee.
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