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165. And second: This faith is not Single Minded, for it hath not resolution.
And third: It continueth not, for the other thoughts of the heart divide it against itself.
166. The three ways of this faith lead the one to the other one. On this must the believer fix his eyes. If his faith is not in holiness, then hath he not the faith of resolution.
167. And having not the faith that is resolute, that faith cannot endure, and because it endureth not, how can he attain unto the faith of determination? And attaining not unto the faith of determination, the faith is not sanctified in him.
168. For the attainment of Right Practice expounded by the Master of the Written Word is according unto the true faith and this alone.
169. If a man return into the Great Way of the Divine Promise, eschewing the narrow ways of deeds and works, in him shall the true light of Nirvana be made manifest.
170. The mighty king So, he of the Ryo line, worshipped the Great Teacher Donran Daishi, naming him the Bodhisattva of Ran, turning his face in worship unto the dwelling-place of his Teacher.
171. Having cast away from him all trust in the righteous deeds of the sages, Doshaku-Zenji, the Great Teacher, hath taught us to enter in at the only gate that is the Gospel of the Pure Land.
172. Having thus cast away from him the laborious study of the Doctrine of Nirvana, Doshaku, the Great Teacher, himself trusted only in the power of the Divine Promise, and he persuaded men to follow after him.
173. In this world of sin that is so far removed from the blessed day of our Lord, is there no man who attaineth unto the wisdom Supreme, yea, not though he should compass all righteous doing. So teacheth our Lord of Great Teaching.
174. He who succeeded unto the teaching of Donran-Daishi, Doshaku-zenji, the Great Priest, thus declareth: “To toil and labour after righteous deeds in this life is the unavailing toil of self-effort.”
175. In this world, the doing of evil and the sin that is wrought of men is violent and furious as the storm wind and rain. Therefore have the compassionate Buddhas exhorted men to seek their refuge within the Land of Purity.
176. From him that sinneth, throughout his life shall the fetters of illusion fall away, if he shall recite the Holy Name with love and adoration.
177. That he might lead men into the Eternal Kingdom—those men who are in this life fast bound unto the evil thing, our Father teacheth us, saying, “Recite my name,” and hath promised further, “Doing this, if they be not born again, I myself will not attain unto Wisdom.”
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